Friday, December 31, 2010


I just closed out my profitable Mattel (MAT) position after holding it for 1 month. As mentioned earlier, I'm trying a new variation of DITM - capturing the annual dividend instead of just the quarterly, securing the payment by writing a call 3-4 months out in case of a dividend play against me.

Nov. 29 -Bot 500 MAT ($25.54) - $12780
Sold 5 April 24 calls - $1051
Closed out Dec.31, (at same stock price),net $224 after commissions, 1.75% for a month, 21% annualized.
Thanks to Harry Domash's sharing a huge list of annual dividend-paying stocks from his excellent Dividend website, I have many more to choose from for this plan - laddering 1 a month (12)will get me annualized.
With Sentiment (my other passion) indicating a flat to down nearterm future, I am closing out and not opening positions now - a sharp downdraft is perfect for future DITM investing: lower stock prices, ergo higher dividend %s, and higher Implied Option Volatility (premium).
A prosperous 2011 to all, starting tomorrow !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Latest trade before year-end (and before I wrap up the 2010 results next week: Nucor Steel (NUE) was bought last March at @$45 (200 shares)and 2 $39 calls were sold below it. With a dividend of 3.27%, which grew as the stock 3 months later went into a 37-40 trading range for 5 months. It was called away overnite (ex-dividend was today) at another lower call sold later at $37. So instead of a $5 to 8 loss in the stock, DITM resulted in a 4.55% gain over 9 months, or 6.1% annualized. Not great, but better than a loss!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Latest position called away the day before its Ex-D : IYR, the Real Estate trust, yielding 3.45% at July's purchase at $52; now at $55 it hss a little less dividend %.
Net return after 5 months after commissions, annualized: 11.1% (if done over a 12-month period).
HHs !

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Here is an interesting trade for DITMers - a variation on a variation of covered call writing (or (non)-standard deviation for technicians:
Mattel pays an Annual dividend, not quarterly; many other stocks also do, especially pharmas and foreign stocks (note tax consequences - apparently UK stocks have a no tax agreement with the US).
Still a WIP (work-in-progress), I bought MAT, Mattel the toy company, the end of Nov., just before ex-D, and sold the
April call:I got paid its annual dividend last week. Now my choice is close the trade out now for a SURE 21.4% annualized profit (1.78 X 12months), or hold to milk the small call premium until called away in April at 24 (unless the stock is below 24), for a 12.73% annualized profit, but slightly more $$. Here is the trade:
Bot 500 MAT @ $25.54 $12,779
Sold 5 calls -April 24 for $1051
Received div'd - $415
If called in April at $24, $11,991 -after commission
Net $678, or 5.3% in 5 months. Divide by 5 , then multiply by 12 to annualize:12.73

Monday, buy calls to close (higher than sold), at $2.55 for $1285, up from $1051
Sell stock at $25.67, also higher, for $12,826; receive $415 div'd - net:$228.
$228 divided by initial stock purchase of $12,779= 1.78%, times 12 months: 21.4%.
Now if I can just find 11 more stocks with annual or semi-annual dividends!!! Feel free to email me if you know if any.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Bonus:

Twas the week before Christmas and my XLU position got called away the day before the ex-Dividend. The numbers are as follows:
Bought 200 shares exactly a year ago: $6337 (all figures include commissions)
Dividends received: $253; net call premiums (sold and rolled): $672
Stock sale (after $9 commission): $5991
Net profit for a year: $579, or 9.14% annualized, with very little risk or monitoring.
Happy Holidays !!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


For some reason, this time of year brings a multitude of dividend payments in the DITM accounts, ho ho ho...

After the Holidays I shall "mark to market" the year 2010 - that means on paper close out all positions, buying calls and selling stock at current prices, just to evaluate and exhibit the results.

I'm pleased to report on one position - Exelon Corp., a utility - which I've held for 16 months. This displays what I have believed to be a critical part of DITM - the safety net. On August 7, 2009 I bought 100 shares at $49.87/share. It currently trades at $41, so if I'd just bought the shares I'd be out $900.

During that time I took in $5425 in call premium, dividends, and the sale at $41, if it is called away before the next Feb. ex-D date. So in 18 months I will have received 13.1% - annualized at 8.75%. If it is not called away on an ex-D play, the call will expire in April's expiry date: 20 months with the extra dividend makes the total $709 profit on $4996 initial investment, or 8.5% annualized -not bad for a stock that dropped nearly 20% in price.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Waste Management, ostensibly bought by Warren Buffett, had been vascillating between a C and D at Schwab (sell and hold). DITM position was called away Friday before today's ex-d date, with the January call being exercised. Total annualized return based on a 10-month holding (sans this dividend): 10.8%, just about the average (minus the plungers like BP). Glad to get rid of that position, as it has been falling well before the market.

Nota Bene: Jeremy Siegel, of Stocks For The Long Run fame, stated in his book that for over a century no 20-year slice of market history ever contained a lower level than at the beginning- that string broke as of 2000.

Today on CNBC Michael Thomson of Standard and Poor's mentioned that dividend increases on S&P500 stocks doubled year-over-year ; he said people are buying stocks for INCOME now, not bonds!

New position taken today (don't try this at home) - I noticed MAT, on a nice uptrend, going ex-D this week with an ANNUAL dividend of $.83 and over $.50 extrinsic call value on the April call, would return an annualized 12.8% if all goes well (no special adjusted option, etc.)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The question I have to ask myself today is "Which is worse - taking my third loss out of 70+ trades so far in the DITM strategy, or getting a root canal?" Actually I did both, one leading to the other. Since the TLT was tanking and I had made the error of not selling a 10% ITM call, rather one that was right at technical support, as well as "insured" by Uncle Ben's QEII, I had to put a stop on it since I was in the dentist chair at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, and all market reversals really looked cascading the last couple days, including the Calif. Muni Bond funds I so dearly love - NCA,NCP, TFI, MUC, etc. Luckily I hedged the TLT with the Ultra (2X) TBT and got 1/3 of the loss repealed:
Bot 300 TLT at $102 - $30,650
sold 3 Mar. 98 calls for $1650 (bot back at $520)
got 1 dividend - $100
closed out TLT at $28250, whereupon it bounced back immediately whilst being drilled on.
Net on the TBT -$375, also stopped out at open.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


This update illustrates an egregious exemplum (e.g.) of why I like DITM covered calls in this investment environment: NUE
Although the SPX has run from 1115 to 1200 YTD (UP 7.6%),Nucor Steel, a DITM candidate with over 3% dividend and liquid options, has dropped from $46.65 to 40 YTD (14.3%). The buy/write occurred on March 26 with the stock at $45.93.
In sum, with dividends and call premiums, if called away at yearend at 37-strike(next ex-D), it will have returned an annualized +6% while the stock dropped 6%.
Bot stock 200 shares: $45.94 or $9196
Dividends rec'd (3): $216
Call premiums (3): net $2007
Net profit at 37: $416, or 6% annualized over 9 months. (10 months if not called away).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I just got the dreaded (?) phone call from Schwab's auto-phone that my DD (Dupont) was called away prematurely yesterday. Bot in August, the Call was due to expire in the 3rd week of January (ex-D is today). Unlike the previous callaway - DUK- I timed this correctly, so sans today's dividend, my net profit (net of my commissions) was an annualized 12.4%, much better than the SIR DUK.
Cost: $4174
Call sold:$571
Stock called:$3691
Net:$129 for 3 months

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


DUK, Duke Power,was called away today just before ex-Dividend, by a Call due to expire Jan.22, 2011. Even with the compressed time (and poor decision-making in my "trial period" of DITM) the return was only 4.75% annualized - still better than a year's CD or T-Bill. It is best to do the Buy/Write 1 or 2 weeks ahead of the first ex-D date, to ensure at least 1 dividend, plus Call premium ( I received 3 dividends).
TLT has slipped below my call price and bears watching, or even hedging with TBT. Down 12%, it might be a good B/W candidate, unless the dollar rebounds greatly.

Monday, November 8, 2010


My EIX (Edison) DITM position was called away on October 12, when I was away on vacation. I naturally assumed it was just prior to ex-dividend; it was a pleasant surprise to receive an additional dividend of $63 which was from an ex-D in late September.

So my annualized return for the 4 month holding was 9%, not 6.1%.
Although Utilities pay high dividends, their options are not that attractive for selling calls, nor is this a great environment for the Sector. Telecoms are better - VZ, T.

Standard and Poor's reports that for the decade just past, stocks' dividends comprised 84% of Total Return. Morningstar has an attractive rating for EXC -Exelon, and Leggett -LEG.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pleasant Correction II

Received from EIX an extra Xmas present - a dividend of $63, although I had thought being called away on October 12, while away on vacation, I would receive none. EIX actually went ex-D in late September, so I was surprised that it was called away early. Still, the extra dividend makes it a 9% annualized return on the 4 month holding, not 6.1%
Standard and Poor's notes that 84% of the Total Return from stocks in the past decade 2000-2010, was from dividends.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Overnight my CAT (Caterpillar) position was called away. Started in July, 3 months, 1 dividend:
Cost $6564, return $350 after all commissions -annualized return 21.3% (if done 4 times in a year).
Beats Money Markets-MMF.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Having held INTC for some time, I rolled out/down calls to an April 18 strike today. Despite INTC being down over 1 point from where I bought it a year ago, if called away in April at 18, it will return an annualized 6.4% (9.5% over the 1 1/2 years).

Sunday, October 17, 2010


10/13/2009 NM 1000 5 5009 60 802 4991 844 40.40%
10/21/2009 DD 100 34.01 3410 143 435 2991 *173 8.70%
11/23/2009 LEG 300 19.8 5949 78 808 5241 178 12.00%
11/24/2009 LMT 200 77.06 15421 252 520 14991 *870 16.92%
12/7/2009 HUN 500 10.68 5349 50 1011 891 partial100 >>>>>>
12/7/2009 HUN


3591 194 14.50%
12/18/2009 DVY 200 43.78 8765 86 934 7991 246 11.20%
12/22/2009 PM 100 49.46 4955 174 414 4491 *364 9.79%
12/22/2009 DRI 200 35.96 7200 50 810 6591 251 10.50%
12/30/2009 TLT 100 90.37 9046 0 406 8691 51 6.77%
January 2010


1/29/2010 BP 100 56.57 5666 84 721 4420 .ls-550 9.70%
2/2/2010 ETN 100 64.97 6506 100 736 5991 321 9.87%
2/26/2010 MRK 200 36.95 7400 152 758 6791 *491 11.40%
3/25/2010 UVV 200 54 10810 94 1250 7991 .ls-1665 15.40%
5/12/2010 DIA 500 108.85 54434 524 4671 50991 1752 9.66%
5/24/2010 CTL 200 33.57 6723 145 182 6991 595 26.60%
5/27/2010 KFT 200 28.79 5767 58 508 5391 190 9.88%
6/1/2010 BP 200 38.05 7617
1218 6945 .ls-546 7.17%
11/13/2009 BX 300 15.27 4590 210 892 rollout


2946 .*loss-156 3.40%
5/7/2009 GDX 200 36.7 7349 22 1468 7991 *1630 20.50%
7/14/2010 PFE 400 14.92 5977 0 881 5191 95 19.07%
2/30/2009 VZ/FTR 400 mltpl. 12800 mltpl. mltpl. 13396 596
* Add'l Calls sold 

Friday, October 15, 2010


Today I again rolled out/down my DITM call options to April 2011, from the 42 call to 41. Since buying the stock at $49.87 in Aug. of '09.
To prove that DITM is a "defensive" strategy, the stock is currently down 6 1/2 points - I have received $2042 in call premiums and dividends (4.26%), for a 14.2% gain over the 20 months to April 2011 (if called away at $41, and including 2 more dividends). Annualized, that is 8.5% with a safety net for the price drop of $650 (another 2.2%).

Thursday, October 14, 2010



5/7/2009 XLE 100 50.15 5024 50 WGHAS 890 407 12/17/2009 13.9%
5/7/2009 GDX 200 36.7 7349 22 KFWAI 1468
12/31/2009 GDXcont

GDXFN 1842

5/8/2009 HCN 100 34.09 3418 0 HCNLF 700 273 cld8/6/09 32.0%
5/12/2009 CAT 100 37.69 3778 42 WKTAU 1024 279 cld10/16/9 17.7%
5/15/2009 200 24.98 5005 82 TAR 754 322 cld10/6/9 15.4%
5/18/2009 WMT 100 49.5 4959 27 WWTAI 700 259 cld12/8/9 9.0%
6/18/2009 BWP 200 22.41 4491 98 BWPLX 210 308 cld10/27/9 20.6%
6/11/2009 EP 300 10.8 3219 30 EPJK 765 267 cld10/16/9 19.9%
6/23/2009 BP 200 47.24 9457 168 BPAI 1015 717 cld11/9/9 31.6%
7/24/2009 ETN 100 51.1 5119 50 ETNAI 811 233 cld11/4/9 13.7%
8/7/2009 EXC 100 49.87 4996 106 EXCAI 654

8/17/2009 BKS 300 20.05 6024 75 BKSAW 1090 434 cld11/23/09 28.8%
8/20/2009 TLT 100 95.1 9519 93 ILTAL 660 225 cld12/1/09 8.8%
9/10/2009 VZ 100 31.15 3124 48 VZAB 355 70 cld12/29/9 7.0%
9/10/2009 SLX 100 50.21 5030 0 EZNLV 593 354 cld12/2/09 28.2%
9/14/2009 DIA 100 96.13 9622 27 DAVAL 837 233 cld11/19/09 14.5%
10/1/2009 CTL 200 33.6 6729 0 CTLAF 788 50 cld11/27/9 4.5%
10/13/2009 NM 1000 5 5009
NMCA 802

10/14/2009 INTC 300 20.94 6291 42 NQAD 520

10/21/2009 PWE 300 17.08 5133 72 PWECC 652 82 cld12/28/9 9.6%
10/21/2009 DD 100 34.01 3410 41 DXTAF 435

10/28/2009 MO 200 18.26 3661 0 MOCR 310 40 cld12/24/9 6.6%
11/11/2009 NLY 300 17.8 5349
NLYAW 241 133 cld12/21/9 44.8%
11/13/2009 BX 300 15.27 4590 90 BXAV 892
1/4/2010 Bxcont

BXFG 742

11/23/2009 LEG 300 19.8 5949

11/24/2009 LMT 200 77.06 15421 126 LMTLO 520

12/11/2009 LMTcont

LMTCO 1088

12/7/2009 HUN 500 10.68 5349
HUNBI 1011

12/11/2009 XLU 200 31.64 6337

12/18/2009 DVY 200 43.78 8765

12/22/2009 PM 100 49.46 4955

12/22/2009 DRI 200 35.96 7200

12/30/2009 VZ 200 33.39 6687
Jul.31 586

12/30/2009 VZ 200 33.39 6687
Apr.31 506

12/30/2009 TLT 100 90.37 9046
Mar.87 406

TOTAL: 98661 1289
12395       6200

7mo: 6.29%    (10.77ann.%)

closed trades only rollout calls not incl.


5/7/2009 XLE 100 50.15 5024 19-Dec Jan.1 1.85 0.25
5/7/2009 GDX 200 36.7 7349
12/31/2009 GDXcont

5/8/2009 HCN 100 34.09 3418 closed 20-Aug 8.00
5/12/2009 CAT 100 37.69 3778 16-Oct 20-Nov 3.72
5/15/2009 T  200 24.98 5005 8-Oct 3-Nov 6.46
5/18/2009 WMT 100 49.5 4959 9-Dec 2-Jan 2.11 0.27
6/18/2009 BWP 200 22.41 4491 30-Oct 10-Nov 8.50
6/11/2009 EP 300 10.8 3219 3-Oct 3-Nov 2.15
6/23/2009 BP 200 47.24 9457 12-Nov 8-Dec 6.64
7/24/2009 ETN 100 51.1 5119 20-Oct 21-Nov 3.75
8/7/2009 EXC 100 49.87 4996 12-Nov 10-Dec 4.26 0.53
8/17/2009 BKS 300 20.05 6024 5-Dec 30-Dec 4.77
8/20/2009 TLT 100 95.1 9519 M3rd M7th .32m 0.32
9/10/2009 VZ 100 31.15 3124 7-Oct 2-Nov 6.15 0.48
9/10/2009 SLX 100 50.21 5030 26-Dec 31-Dec 2.77An Ann
9/14/2009 DIA 100 96.13 9622 M15-21 M11-17 4.00 Var
10/1/2009 CTL 200 33.6 6729 3-Dec 21-Dec 8.60 0.70
10/13/2009 NM 1000 5 5009 16-Dec 2-Jan 5.40 0.06
10/14/2009 INTC 300 20.94 6291 4-Nov 1-Dec 2.73 0.14
10/21/2009 PWE 300 17.08 5133 M28 M13 8.4fgn .14mo
10/21/2009 DD 100 34.01 3410 12-Nov 14-Dec 4.84 0.41
10/28/2009 MO 200 18.26 3661 28-Dec 11-Jan 7.50 0.34
11/11/2009 NLY 300 17.8 5349 29-Dec 29-Jan 15.00 0.69
11/13/2009 BX 300 15.27 4590 25-Nov 11-Dec 7.88 0.30
1/4/2010 Bxcont

11/23/2009 LEG 300 19.8 5949 11-Dec 15-Jan 5.33 0.26
11/24/2009 LMT 200 77.06 15421 27-Nov 31-Dec 3.26 0.62
12/11/2009 LMTcont

12/7/2009 HUN 500 10.68 5349 11-Dec 31-Dec 3.78 0.10
12/11/2009 XLU 200 31.64 6337 18-Dec 31-Dec 3.90 0.31
12/18/2009 DVY 200 43.78 8765 22-Dec 28-Dec 4.16 0.40
12/22/2009 PM 100 49.46 4955 23-Dec 11-Jan 4.71 0.58
12/22/2009 DRI 200 35.96 7200 7-Jan 1-Feb 2.81 0.25
12/30/2009 VZ 200 33.39 6687 6-Jan 1-Feb 5.68 0.48
12/30/2009 VZ 200 33.39 6687 6-Jan 1-Feb 5.68 0.48
12/30/2009 TLT 100 90.37  9046 29-Jan 5-Feb 3.91 0.32                                   



                  "FED UP WITH LOW RATES?" 
                                         by Brent L. Leonard

"FED" up with zero interest rates on CDs, Money Market accounts?

My name is Brent Leonard; I have been a professional and private investor for 25 years, and, having retired recently, was very disadvantaged by the Fed's zero interest rate policy, mostly to help big banks, which greatly impacted my retirement income. Say a person such as myself retires when rates were 6%. If they had $1 Million in savings, they would receive only $10,000 a year at the current CD or T-Bill rate of below 1%; at 6% that amount would have been $60,000.

Over a year ago I happened onto an unconventional and neglected investment strategy that provided me with surprisingly high return while also offering a safety net for the stock market. It is quite simple and requires very little monitoring or investment knowledge.

 This strategy involves finding high quality, dividend paying stocks and writing covered call options BELOW the Buy-in price, combining to produce historic annualized double-digit income, while "pre-selling" the stock around 6 months out. Those of you who are familiar with covered calls understand that the usual procedure is to sell a call option ABOVE the Buy price of the stock, and then hope that the stock rises! After the biggest Bull market in history from 1982 to 2000 and the most recent 80% rally of 2009, I do not feel this can continue, especially when you consider the global economic condition.

If the stock does not rise, you keep the option premium, but can lose money if the stock falls, just as if you had only bought the stock. With the DITM (Deep-In-The-Money) Call plan, you have already sold the top part of the stock months out, so a small loss is not possible.

For example, let us say you buy ABC at $50 and sell a $45-strike Call on it for $6 (1 dollar more than the difference of 50 and the price it will get "called away" from you in 6 months).  I found through extensive testing that this return on an annualized basis was 10% or higher. While 10% is not an impressive number, when made consistently it is slightly above what the 100-year average of Blue Chip stocks has gained - in the first decade of the new millennium the return was actually negative.
There is also the possibility that someone on the other side of the Call (who bought the one you sold) will "exercise" it prematurely just before it goes ex-dividend. While this prevents you from getting that dividend, I've found that the annualized return was closer to 20%, since it compressed the time that you held the stock. Commissions are a factor, but they are much lower now than they have ever been in the past.

What is especially nice about this plan is that it works well in almost all market scenarios. Markets that rise sharply or gradually put an extra cushion of safety above your Loss price! A sideways market lets you buy back the call near expiration and resell another 6 months out without losing the stock, if it still appeals to you.

A market that slowly declines is even better, if your stock does not go down much below your Sell price - because, your stock and others you might like, will get cheaper to buy - the decline causes a spike in volatility, which raises the price of the Call option you are selling, and the dividend percentage goes higher!

So, the only real drawback to this strategy is a full blown Bear market  - by definition, one that falls 20% or more. Over the past 100 years or so, we have seen 1 or 2 of these per decade - we saw 2 in the first decade of the 21st Century. Usually they occur in stages, so one should be able to recognize the danger, and adjust - maybe even "step down" the Calls as the stock descends for no loss.

As a veteran of the stock market who has seen all types, it is especially gratifying to have stocks tank and not have to worry about whether I should hedge it, ride it out every day- or sell it and watch it turn around and run back up without you.

If there is a sudden drop in either the market or an individual stock, such as BP after the oil spill, a diverse group of stocks should be very profitable over time. One can even diversify further by using some ETFs that pay dividends and have liquid options, and even the Spider ETFs, such as the DIA ( one hundredth of the Dow 30).

What was initially a solution to the nearly $9 Trillion of "dead" money that was sitting in 1% Money Market funds for an "extended period", became a defensive answer to a volatile stock market - relying on secure income rather than the "hope" of possible appreciation.

In today's markets where around 70% of daily volume is done by the High Frequency Trading Quants - MIT Ph.Ds with a huge technology advantage, the average investor is like the "patsy" at the World Series of Poker table, which most of the Quants were successful at in Vegas!
The current market environment is optimal for this strategy since we have just come off a good correction which lowered stock prices and more than doubled the Volatility of options to be sold.

Finally, for those wanting to pursue this concept, there is more information available at, including my new book - Zero InTolerance - on Amazon.