Monday, March 19, 2012

Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true. ~Polish Proverb

I just closed out the Siemens trade today (unfortunately it was in my family's account, not mine!). The ANNUAL dividend of just under $400 was captured in mid-January ( $100 went to foreign income tax which can be deducted from IRS). Even without this amount: Cost was $9620 f0r 100 shares, I closed it out early from an April call leaving a few $$ on the table. Profit was $423, including $809 for the sold call. Net was 4.4% for 2 months, or 26.4% annualized. Not bad considering a 6 point safety net.
Other B/Ws (buy/writes) were done in March on PEG and WMB; and the put sold on VALE, which is a semi-annual dividend in April.
Although I violated my 3% rule, I sold a put on NEM after the gold selloff (2.6%) because I really wanted the stock. I may overwrite the call if put, not DITM.
I've been accepted to write a financial column for the online:
Upcoming columns will feature GGUniv., TSAA, and the SF Bay Area Options group, as well as other Bay Area groups. Examiner prefers local interest and photos!

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