Thursday, April 25, 2013


Or as they say in France: m'aidez (help!)

Patience seems to have paid off - today, most of the energy sleepers that have (as mentioned in past posts) kept paying dividends and milking call premiums, have at least temporarily had a jumpstart. Even Cliff Resources (CLF) left for dead, has rebounded.

Also mentioned previously, although DITMers have not participated as fully with a portion of their assets as long marketeers, when events such as Safeway - today down 5 points, nearly 20%- tank, due to the cyclical Bull, it remains above water ( the Call strike) , garnering (so far) 100% of intended returns.

Also provisional, is the possible acquiring of the above-mentioned energy/resource stocks in the portfolio: erf, vnr, hl, swc, aa, aci, nem, qre, and pwe. Worth a look after doing Fundamental due diligence - or having some other service due it for you!

May is the fourth year (think Presidential or Kinchen cycle) of my DITM experiment; it also marks my silver birthdate anniversary, which I shall be celebrating at Lake Tahoe and Redding, CA. Hence weekly postings of this and the sentiment blog :, and column:
will be slightly offset.

Meanwhile, new candidates for the LEAPS strategy (selling 2015 covered calls and puts) include WU, FTR, GLW.

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